Высшее образование, тренинги и стажировки в Канаде для моряков.

Государственный канадский колледж Georgian, город Овен Саунд, провинция Онтарио.

Программа представлена и оформляется лицензионным канадским образовательным агентством Marcus Educate Canada. Представительство в Одессе, Бунина 30, 2 этаж, кабинет 4, телефон 8067 484 15 14

К регистрации допускаются как выпускники школы так и студенты морских ВУЗов Украины. Знания английского обязательны, на базе нашего агентства можно пройти подготовку по английскому языку и сдать IELTS в Одессе или Киеве.

Pc 110805 Gq1ff Bateau Marine Tn Sn635


Это программа обучения в колледже для судоводителей, продолжительностью три года, включает в себя стажировку. У колледжа подписан договор с правительством Панамы, что позволяет студентам получить лицензию в посольстве Панамы в Канаде. С этой лицензией они смогут работать на судах под Панамским флагом. Так же колледж обеспечивает студентов возможностью пройти стажировку в Канаде (на судах под канадским флагом). Стоимость программы 14.300 CAN в год.

External Recognition: TCMSS has recognized this program as an approved cadet training program meeting the requirements of TP5562 Nautical Cadet Training Program.


MARE1007 Basic Engineering Knowledge

MARE1030 Coastal Navigation 1

MARE1019 Intro Ship Master’s Business

MARE1026 Seamanship

MATH1018 Introduction to Technical Mathematics

MARE1014 Practical Seamanship

MARE1047 On Board Training Preparation

MARE1024 GMDSS Part 1

MARE1021 Ship Construction

MARE1016 Astronomy For Navigation

MARE1048 Electronic Positioning Systems

MARE1049 Radar Navigation

MARE1018 Navigational Safety 1

MATH1019 Technical Mathematics

ELEC2017 Marine Electricity Fundamentals

MARE2039 Radar and Automatic Radar Plotting Aids

MARE2042 General Ship Knowledge 1

MARE2040 Advanced Seamanship

MARE2041 Signals and Communications

MARE2028 Navigational Safety 2

MARE2022 Ocean Navigation 1

METE2004 Meteorology 1

MARE2043 Advanced Engineering Knowledge for Navigation

MARE2030 Coastal Navigation 2

MARE2005 Transverse Stability

MARE2029 Cargo Work 1

MENG1017 Applied Mechanics

METE2003 Meteorology 2

MARE2026 Ocean Navigaton 2

MATH2007 Spherical Mathematics

MARE3033 Cargo Work 2

MARE3036 Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS)

MARE3037 General Ship Knowledge 2

MARE3038 Introduction to Bridge Resource Management and Leadership Training

MARE3030 Advanced Navigational Safety

MARE3031 Navigational Systems and Instruments

MARE3015 Shipmaster’s Business

PHYS3000 Physics

MARE3025 Longitudinal Stability

MARE3039 Simulated Navigation

Communications Courses

To be selected at time of registration from the College list, as determined by testing.

Co-op Work Terms

COOP1033 Marine Navigation Work Term 1

COOP2031 Marine Navigation Work Term 2

COOP3012 Marine Nav Co-op Work Term 3



Marine industry employers like what they see in our graduates. A shortage of qualified engineering and navigation officers in Canada and abroad means our graduates are in demand. Our graduates find rewarding jobs with rapid advancement, working on the great lakes and on ships at sea worldwide. Starting salaries range from $60,000 to $80,000.

The Centre for Marine Training and Research is Canada’s most advanced marine simulation and research centre, the facility recently underwent an extensive $8-million renovation to enhance hands-on training for students.

This program was developed in co-operation with Transport Canada and national shipping companies and relationships with those partner organizations remain strong. Marine companies support this program by providing a variety of inland and coastal placements for cadet work terms, which can lead to employment upon graduation.

Students learn through a progressive mix of skills training, shipboard training and academic studies, including navigation training in our marine simulators. The program involves six academic semesters accompanied by two mandatory co-op terms. Navigation cadets (students) get a total of 365 days of sea time over those work terms.


  • Дипломная программа для выпускников желающих получить профессию судового механика. Срок обучения 2 года, стоимость программы 15.000 CAN в год.

Mandatory Courses


CHEM1006 Fuel Combustion Chemistry

CHEM1007 Industrial Chemistry

ELEC1008 Basic Electrical Engineering

ELEC2019 Thermodynamics

ELEC2020 Advanced Electrical Engineering

ELEC2021 Shipboard Electrical Knowledge and Skills

ENGN1001 Basic Engineering Science

ENGN1002 Basic Control Engineering

HRAC2002 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

HRAC2003 Shipboard Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

MARE1040 Marine Engine Plants

MARE1041 Marine Steam Plants

MARE1042 Marine Auxiliary Systems

MARE1043 Marine Systems and Components Blueprint

MARE1044 Marine Plant Energy Distribution

MARE1045 Hydraulics and Pneumatics

MARE1046 Ship Construction for Engineers

MARE2019 Computer Applications and Networks



MARE2032 Advanced Marine Power Plants

MARE2033 Advanced Marine Power Plants Steam

MARE2034 Shipboard Materials

MARE2035 Marine Power Plant Watchkeeping

MARE2036 Shipboard Power Plant Studies

MARE2037 Shipboard Control Strategies

MARE2038 Stability

MARE3020 Ships Master’s Business for Engineers

MARE3032 Leadership and Managerial Skills

MATH1018 Introduction to Technical Mathematics

MATH1019 Technical Mathematics

MCHN2000 Machining

MENG1018 Basic Applied Mechanics

WETC2000 Welding

Communications Courses- To be selected at time of registration from the College list, as determined by testing.

General Education Courses- To be selected from College list

Co-op Work Terms

COOP1032 Marine Engineering Work Term 1

COOP2030 Marine Engineering Work Term 2



  • Marine Engineering Management

Программа повышения квалификации для морских инженеров механиков (требования к кандидатам – минимум 4 года учебы (диплом Бакалавра) и минимум 2 годы опыта работы на судах, не старше 1975 года рождения). Стоимость программы 15,000 CAN, продолжительность 2 семестра, начало учебы в январе 2018 года.

Advance your marine career to management level. Internationally recognized. Outstanding facilities. Grads are in high demand.

Mandatory Courses

MEMG1000 Advanced Thermodynamics

MEMG1001 Advanced Applied Mechanics

MEMG1003 Automation and Control Systems 1

MEMG1004 Automation and Controls 2

MEMG1005 Ship’s Business and Maritime Law

MEMG1006 Naval Architecture

MEMG1007 Electrical Machines Management

MEMG1010 Power Plant Auxiliaries Management

MEMG1011 Steam Plant Management

MEMG1012 Motor Plant Management

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